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Thursday, October 28, 2004
Books of Old and New Testaments
Topic: Holy Words of God

One of the oldest books in the historical record of world events is the Bible. The Bible has been the best selling book throughout many years; it is the best published book in today's world. From the books of Genesis to Revelation, it tells us what happened in world history from the beginning, prediction of the world future event, and how we can live life on this earth. Both the Old and New Testaments are still relevant resources in our lives today.

Although it is the mostinspiring book ever published, both the Old and New Testaments have many aspectsof God's characters toward people. For example, the passage John3:16tells us how much God loves theworld that He sent His Son to us to show the light of path. In fact, the NewTestament has a completely different revelation of God who helped the Israelitesset free from the bondage of sufferings from their sins. However, the Old andNew Testaments reflect the character of God throughout all the 66books.

All the books in the Bible are all about God's character toward humanity that He created since the beginning of the world.

In the Old Testament, there are 39 books that are recorded about the earliest parts of the history of the Jewish world. From the books of Genesis to Malachi, the Old Testament provides us details on what happened in the earliest part of the world.

The Old Testament begins with the Book of Genesis which explains how God created this world and living creatures, including humans; how God brought down the first judgment to the earth; and how God choose three Patriarchs to form the twelve tribes of . After the first book, from the Book of Exodus and on, it begins telling about the beginning of the hardship that the people of were facing and how they turned to God. From then on, it explains how the Israelites created their own government, religion, and economy to try to walk away from God for several years; and then how they realized their mistakes and the effect on their lives and how they needed Him back in their lives.

In addition, books of the Old Testament were written by several Hebrew authors or scribers in the time of period BC or Before Christ. During this time period, God taught and disciplined His people about life in earth and how God was reliable to them and would bring a restoration in their lives. The Old Testament is split into five parts. There are the Laws of Moses, earliest prophets, writing and poetry, Major Prophets, and twelve Minor Prophets. Each section of the Old Testament has different themes and discusses many aspects of Jewish history. For example, in the prophets section of the Old Testament, it discusses the greater details of God's judgment against His people and how He saved them from the disastrous area. It also discusses what kind of judgment that God would bring on earth in the future to end the battle with Satan.

In contrast, the New Testament has 27 books that are recorded about the earliest history part of Christianity. It links from the Old Testament. The New Testament began after 400 years of God's silence to the world. During the 400 years, there was no word from the prophets who spoke to the people of . Instead, they did their own way to live a life, although God was waiting for them to repent their sins and have them back in His presence. After the end of 400 years, the new era had risen.

The New Testament begins with the first four books, which is called the gospel of Jesus Christ. It tells us about the life and teachings about Jesus Christ. Not only does it show the history of Jesus Christ, it also brings the complete picture of who God is and what He has planned for our lives. After the first four books of the New Testament, from the Book of Acts and on, it begins telling the beginning of Christianity and Church histories. The Book of Acts is different from any other books in the New Testament, because the story did not end after Paul preached God's message to the Roman citizens. In fact, the Book of Acts has never concluded the journey of Paul until God would complete to gather the church and take us home.

In addition, books of the New Testament were written by Greek or Gentile authors or scribers in the earliest time of period of AD or After Christ. During the early church era, there were many people who began to understand what Jesus Christ had done for them and began to convert themselves to Christianity. As many of them converted to Christianity, there was a great fight between Christians and Roman citizens; and Christians and Jews. There also was a great argument about who Jesus Christ was among many other religions. In fact, since early AD, many churches viewed Christianity differently and believed that they needed to separate from the other Christians.

The New Testament has no particular chronicle order to explain the history of Christianity. However, when we read the Book of Revelation, we would see many aspects of what God had done for us in the past, in the present, and what He will do in the future. In addition, many Christians would prefer the New Testament when it comes to learning about Christian living.

The Old and New Testaments also explain to us who God is and how people received the wonderful healing in their lives through Him. Although the Bible has two separate eras, it does not mean there are two different gods. One of the reasons is the both testaments reflect to each other. The Old Testament discusses about the coming of Messiah, which it leads to Jesus Christ. Also, it discusses who Jesus was throughout the Old Testament. Whenever we would like to know who Jesus was, we could go to the Old Testament to identify Him.

Even though the Bible is old, we can use it today as current guide resource for life situation, world update, and answer to our toughest situation. To prove that the Bible would lead to these, we may need to read the Bible and find related situation in our daily lives. Or we may believe that God's Word is the truth by looking at ourselves and have faith and trust that God can change our lives.

Some people changed their lives to one true God, because they believed in the faith of Jesus Christ. Whether we would believe or not that the both Old and New Testaments reveal about God's character and His wonderful works through the humanity, we would see the changes in people's lives because of their faiths in God's hands.

Posted by MGJC Web Ministry at 12:01 AM EDT
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